Chaplaincy: Aging, Illness,
& Caregiver Support

Aging brings a whole new dynamic to life.


I’m Bill. Allow me to give you fair warning… about aging, that is. This is certainly not what I was expecting. Growing older is definitely not for the faint hearted.

Since I turned 50, my life has been mostly downhill. From hair loss that started when I was much too young, to eyeglasses, weight gain, aching bones, sore muscles, and the onset of early diabetes. You name it. I got it.

If I sit too long, it is all I can do just to get back up again. Don’t even ask about getting in and out of the car or up and down the stairs.

I have family members who have lived into their nineties. They were strong and vigorous to the very end.

After retiring at age 62, I thought life with my high school sweetheart would be filled with traveling abroad and playing golf as often as I chose.

No such luck. I still must keep a calendar to stay abreast of my own doctors’ appointments.

I seem to spend my days going from one doctor’s visit to another.

Declining health of a spouse impacts both partners.

If my own problems were not enough, meet my wife Margaret. She suffered a stroke just after her 63rd birthday. No more work for her.

She thought she would work a few more years since I was older.

All that changed very quickly.

Need for caregiving can alter dreams and expectations.

I have become Margaret’s primary caregiver.

We have three wonderful adult children, all of whom are happily married. We also have several grandkids as well. Unfortunately, they all live several states away.

As a result, none of them can offer much assistance. Our hope and dreams to see them frequently during our retirement years have quickly faded away.

Decisions about the future can result in loss of the familiar.

We are now exploring the necessity of selling our home of 50 years to move closer to our children.

We really don’t want to say goodbye to our community, our church, or the many friends we have here; but unfortunately our options are dwindling.

I just don’t know how much longer things can go on this way.

Sound familiar?

Unfortunately, Bill’s and Margaret ’s story is all too common.

Life is unpredictable!

Aging and health issues can alter expectations after retirement.

Chaplaincy provides support for you and your loved ones.

As a clinically trained medical Chaplain and Bereavement Counselor, I have worked in numerous senior living facilities, hospital, and hospice settings.

I offer regular visits in your place of residence, whether in your own home, a hospital, or Senior Living Facility.

I am here to offer a listening ear, encouragement, and assistance as you leap through all the hurdles of the healthcare industry.

I will give you the emotional and spiritual support you or your loved ones need during this time of your lives.

I have firsthand experience with aging and illness.

My wife and I along with other family members helped care for both my father and mother during their acute and chronic illnesses.

I not only understand the aging and illness process but how to give excellent cognitive, emotional, relational, and spiritual support.

Whether you already have great healthcare providers where you live now or you could use some extra assistance getting connected, I can assist you.

I offer regular weekly or biweekly visits to your residence that are 30 minutes to one hour long. These visits provide support for you in your life journey.

Please call me today to discover how I might provide excellent chaplaincy support where you live.

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