Depression & Anxiety

Sam was just like any other guy…

Or so he thought.

He looked ordinary enough. He was ruggedly handsome in some ways, accomplished in many others.

His work was going well. But he just could not seem to get over this nagging feeling.

Was this really the way life was meant to be? Was this all there was to life?

Outside appearances do not always reflect internal feelings.

At 33, from the outside he seemed to have it altogether.

And yet as the weeks went by, he could not seem to hold it together any longer, not one more day.

Oh, to the average onlooker, Sam appeared happy enough. He was bright, something of a high achiever; but lurking beneath the surface, he could no longer deal with the profound and lingering sense of sadness, as if he were all alone in the world.

He could not escape it. He grew up in a happy home. His siblings all appeared to be “normal.”

Was he losing his mind?

Anxious feelings can unravel one’s life.

Sam no longer had the resilience to cope with the daily pressures of life.

Too little income, a wife who spent beyond their ability to pay. She meant well but she just did not seem to “get it.”

Their “new normal” had turned into a stress-filled household with young kids to get dressed in the morning and a new home to maintain.

The pressure had now reached a breaking point. Sam’s anxious feelings had gotten out of control.

He felt short of breath, a tenseness in his chest, a tightness in his throat. Was this a heart attack?

Sam is not alone.

Perhaps you might identify with Sam. Your story may differ in the details.

Today in the United States, more people are being diagnosed with a major depressive episode, depressive disorder, or any number of anxiety disorders than ever before in history.

And yet there are more medications on the market for anxiety and depression, and more corresponding prescriptions are being given out than at any other time.

Don’t Worry, Be Happy!

Should we not simply be happy that we now have all these new medications available to address the mental health crisis we are experiencing?

Or perhaps, is there a correlation between the arrival of so many new meds on the market and this sudden explosion of diagnoses?

Medication is not always the solution to soothing depression.

Enough said!

What matters most is how you feel!

If you are suffering from any symptoms of lingering sadness or anxiety, you should know there is help available!

There are many causes, both biological (nature) and environmental (nurture).

There are physical illnesses that may directly and indirectly cause symptoms of both. If your condition is biological, getting medical attention is imperative.

More typically, depression is probably environmental.

But more often than not, the vast, majority of us deal with the daily pressures of life that build up over time.

We are stressed and hurried, we eat poorly, and get too little exercise.

Over time, things simply become more than we can bear.

We begin to crack emotionally a little more around the edges each day.

We are not made for this!

Over time we cope poorly, and anxiety is added to injury.

The good news is you do not need to suffer any longer.

You can get both the medical attention and the counseling help you need.

If your difficulties lie solely in the biological arena, a doctor and/or psychiatrist can help.

If you sense there is more to it than biology, I can help.

I have worked with doctors, nurses, and psychiatrists to ensure that my clients and patients receive the very best medical care, as well as the support they need emotionally and spiritually.

I will help you move from sadness and despair to hope and peace, from anxious thoughts and feelings to a life filled with joy and characterized by thanksgiving, from purposelessness to a life filled with meaning!

Call me today to begin your journey home where you will find comfort and joy, peace and rest.

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